Pilates Classes For Rehab

The heightened body awareness and precision in Pilates can help people identify imbalances or compensatory movement patterns that may have led to their injury. When corrected, these patterns can improve overall movement mechanics and reduce the likelihood of re-injury.

Because Pilates is an exercise that focuses on the entire body, it helps to improve proprioception, which is your sense of where your body is in space. This improved awareness can reduce the risk of falls and other injuries that could be aggravated by poor posture or balance.

Pilates Classes for Rehab: Strengthen and Recover Safely

Pilates Classes for Rehab also provide a great deal of dynamic stretching, which can improve range of motion and make it easier for joints to move without pain. This can help with conditions like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and herniated discs, as it strengthens the muscles that surround and support the affected joint, allowing them to move with greater ease.

Lastly, Pilates can also improve circulation, which can help with conditions like hypertension and dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual periods). Poor blood flow can slow the healing process and lead to other problems, so your body must get all the oxygen it needs to heal quickly.

In general, rehab Pilates will be led by a physical therapist and focused on specific goals to address an injury. They will help you learn to perform the movements correctly and safely, and ensure that you don’t overdo it and exacerbate your injury. A good physical therapist should be able to assess your ability and prescribe exercises that are appropriate for you.

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